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France Destinations

While considering where to go on your next vacation, you have probably thought about France and the alluring lifestyle of the French. Nevertheless, there are many regions and cities you can visit besides The City of Lights: Paris. If what you want is to spend a great time in the countryside, then you must go to Normandy. Loire Valley is a real paradise where you can enjoy truly architectural masterpieces. French Riviera, Provence, Ile de France, Burgundy, Alsace-Lorraine and Aquitaine are other places you should visit.

Chavenay: A Friendly and Beautiful Village!03/10/2006
Colmar: A Patrimony of the Alsace!03/10/2006
Camembert: The Famous Cheese Village!03/10/2006
Paris: The City of Light!03/10/2006
Chantilly: The Famous Château!03/10/2006
Bordeaux: The World Capital of Wine!03/08/2006
Avignon: The Famous St Bénezet Bridge!03/07/2006
Arcachon: The Town of Four Seasons!03/07/2006
The Historic Film Festival of Annonay!03/07/2006
Aix-les Bains: The Enchantment of Mountains!03/07/2006
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