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Bordeaux: The World Capital of Wine!

If you are an enthusiast of good wine and art, you will love to visit the city of Bordeaux in France. Because of the excellent quality of its wines and the great commercialization of such, this city is recognized as the world capital of wine. Wine lovers around the world enjoy visiting this city. Bourdeaux was also home of the most excellent painters and writers of France such as the famous philosophers, Michel Montaigne and the Baron de Montesquieu, the Catholic romantic poet, Francois Mauriac or the well-known painter, Albert Bégaud. The Baron of Montesquieu described the region on one occasion, “the air, the grapes and the wine from the banks of the Garonne are an excellent antidote for melancholy.”

If you travel to France and visit the city of Bordeaux you will certainly be cured of melancholy as Montesquieu said. Besides the wine, you will have the opportunity to see the heritage monuments and the beautiful architecture of the city. You will also be able to walk by its charming squares and parks, as well as to visit its fascinating museums. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to enjoy a good glass of wine and remember to see the major city attractions such as Girondins Columns, Place Saint-Pierre, Grand Theatre and Beychevelle, among many others!

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