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The Louvre Museum: The Best Museum of the Whole World

Who has not heard about the Louvre museum in his or her life? It might not be crazy to say that most of the people know about this museum since it is considered to be the most famous and well-known museum in the whole world. Due to the fact that the structure itself relies on over 800 years after being constructed, it is also a very different attraction in addition to the proper characteristics and its general meaning such as treasures revealing centuries of invaluable works of art. If you are planning to go there and try to know it all, you have to make sure to take one entire day to accomplish it.

In order for you to have an idea about the inner decoration of the building, you should know that its rooms, which house paintings and amazing sculpture, are an absolute work or art by themselves; besides, the ceiling is incredibly decorated. It is always recommended, mainly by tourists who have gone before, that it is a good idea to buy a ticket via internet and save important time due to the fact that it is time that could be used to know all the building.

Imagine that you have the opportunity of getting to be in front of the authentic Mona Lisa painting by Leonardo Da Vinci. This truly recognized painting is located on the very first floor, in the Denon wing. The whole building is segmented into seven different departments. In general, the collection of the museum encompasses pieces of art that date to a range of time going from the oldest beginnings of the antique civilizations to the first half of the XIX century. The museum of Louvre has always been related to the finest and more valuable art around all over the world. Wouldn't you like to be there?

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