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The French Outspend the British at Internet Casinos

The French are spending more time playing online casinos than the British. According to Nielsen//NetRatings February’s figures, 22 % of the French online casino players spend over an hour more than British players on games where money is wagered. (PRWEB) April 29, 2005 -- Due to this significant rise in popularity of online casinos in France, Namic.Marketing launched in April 2005, a French online casino player expert site., as Namic.Marketing communication tool; is comprised of a large French speaking players’ demographic which has already reached tens of thousands of players since its launch date at the beginning of April 2005. The returning players regularly visit the site to discover freshly updated content and exclusive offers. assists online casinos to promote their online gaming offering through an integrated email marketing solution. Corporate Background: Namic.Marketing Inc. is a full service agency dedicated to the online gaming industry. Operating since 2003, Namic Marketing inc. has managed the creative design, development and launch of a number of successful online gaming marketing campaigns and websites, and is considered an expert in the I-gaming field. Namic Marketing offers a varied and extensive range of online marketing and advertising services specializing in internet gambling related promotion and marketing with a special focus on the French market.

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