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The Antonia Media Lab Welcomes Samia Saleem

Antonia Communication, a Paris, France-based company, is proud and honored to welcome Samia Saleem within its ranks, as part of its Media Lab philanthropic venture. Paris, France (PRWEB) February 2, 2006 — Antonia Communication today announced it is welcoming Seattle-based designer Samia Saleem among its ranks, as part of an Antonia Media Lab venture. Based in Paris, France, with partners and associates around the world, Antonia Communication has traditionally been a friend of the arts, working with individual content creators as well as open source collectives. The Media Lab is its philanthropic venture, through which it aims to help young artists reach a wide and diverse audience, free of charge. Experienced in both online and print media, Samia Saleem uses modern techniques and diffusion channels to highlight and empower rigorously designed pieces. Her attachment to designing for a cause and her desire to challenge what we know of modern media made her work a perfect fit for Antonia's philosophy. Working with Antonia as part of the Media Lab, she will contribute to both digital and real-world pieces which, among others, will dress up and support Antonia's upcoming first independent music CD release. "We all fell for her - and her works" said FJ, Antonia's founder. "Her energy and vision perfectly complement our belief that PR can and should be used to promote independent creators and edgy ideas. We are thrilled to be working with her on our first large-scale musical project and are very much looking forwards to sharing her works with the community of the Internet." As part of this agreement, and as is customary for Antonia Media Lab artists, the Media Lab website will feature an online portfolio of Samia's works as well as provide viewers with key elements to better follow up on her designs. As a group, the AntoTeam is dedicated to working towards a better, more entertaining and more accepting world. Since its inception, Antonia has worked to provide its customers with obscenely good service, the most effective campaigns and an unmatched look on cross-cultural marketing.

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