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Last Supper Exhibit at Château du Clos Lucé in Amboise

Da Vinci’s last known residence houses exhibit of his most celebrated masterpiece.

The last residence of Leonardo Da Vinci, the Château du Clos Lucé, which is known as Leonardo Da Vinci’s last residence, will host a brand new exhibition of the master’s “Last Supper”, a fresco created between 1495 and 1498 for the refectory of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan. The exhibition will be held from June-October, 2006.

As the center piece of this exhibition, “The Last Supper” will reproduced in its original dimensions (nearly 1345 feet high). The exhibition will also present details of the faces of the twelve apostles and Christ, as well as present a few other versions of the scene that were painted before and after Da Vinci’s masterpiece was created, and explanatory panels on the chronology, text on Da Vinci’s life, comments on the painting and the presentation of the apostles. Several Da Vinci specialists will host round table discussions during the exhibition.

Leonardo Da Vinci moved into the Château de Clos Lucé, located in Amboise in the Loire Valley, at the invitation of King François 1st in 1516, bringing with him a mule, his leather satchels, and three of his favorite paintings – the Mona Lisa, Saint Anne and Saint Jean-Baptiste. He lived and worked here for three years before dying here on May 2, 1519. Today, visitors to the castle can revisit the everyday existence of Da Vinci and discover his fabulous machine inventions at the Da Vinci Park. The Park houses 16 of his giant machines, 32 translucent fabrics and 8 sound points, a visual and auditory visit into the mind of this eccentric genius.

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