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France, officially the French Republic, is a country whose metropolitan territory is located in Western Europe and comprises various overseas islands and territories which are located in other regions. Metropolitan France extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and the North Sea and from the Rhine to the Atlantic Ocean. At 674,843 square kilometers, France is the world's 40th-largest country after Myanmar. France is a member of The European Union and Paris is the capital of this nation. The sole official language of France is French. Since prehistoric times, France has been a crossroads of trade, migrations, and invasions.
Saint-Maur-des-Fosses is a commune in the southeastern suburbs of Paris, France. It is located at about 11.7 kilometers far away from the center of Paris. Saint-Maur-des-Fosses owes its name to an abbey founded in 638 by Queen Nanthild, regent for her son Clovis II, at a place called Fossati in Medieval Latin, meaning the moats. This place, located at the narrow entrance of a loop of the Marne River, was probably named after the moats of an ancient Celtic oppidum and later a Roman castrum whose existence was revealed by archeologists.
Later in the middle ages, the relics of Saint Maurus became very famous as they were supposed to heal gout and epilepsy and Saint Pierre des Fosses became one of the most famous pilgrimage centers of medieval France. Eventually, in the 13th century the relics were so popular that the abbey was renamed Saint-Maur-des-Fosses. The little settlement that grew around the abbey was henceforth known as Saint-Maur-des-Fosses. It was made up initially of two distinct villages, Saint-Maur itself and La Varenne-Saint-Hilaire, including Saint-Hilaire. In 1791, part of the territory of Saint-Maur-des-Fosses was detached and became the commune of La Branche-du-Pont-de-Saint-Maur, later renamed Joinville-le-Pont.
Saint-Maur-des-Fosses is a city known for its historic myths and traditions, scenic beauty, cooperative people and luxurious hotels and cottages. Saint-Maur-des-Fosses is one of the favorite holiday destinations for most of the vacation lovers.

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