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France, officially the French Republic, is a country whose metropolitan territory is located in Western Europe and comprises various overseas islands and territories which are located in other regions. Metropolitan France extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and the North Sea and from the Rhine to the Atlantic Ocean. At 674,843 square kilometers, France is the world's 40th-largest country after Myanmar. France is a member of The European Union and Paris is the capital of this nation. The sole official language of France is French. Since prehistoric times, France has been a crossroads of trade, migrations, and invasions.
Ivry-sur-Seine is a commune in the southeastern suburbs of Paris, France. It is located at about 5.3 kilometers far away from the center of Paris. The largest Chinatown of Paris, located in the 13th arrondissment of Paris, Ivry-sur-Seine has now spread to the northern parts of Ivry. Many overseas Chinese companies and Asian food warehouses are located in Ivry. The land area is 6.10 kilometers with a population of 56,400 people.
Val-de-Marne is a French department, named after the Marne River, located in the Ile-de-France region, in Paris west. In local slang, it is known as l'neuf quatre that is the nine four, after the official administrative number of the department, 94. Ivry-sur-Seine is served by two stations on Paris Metro line 7 that are the Pierre Curie and Mairie d'Ivry. It is also served by Ivry-sur-Seine station on Paris rail line C.
Ivry-sur-Seine is a city known for its historic myths and traditions, scenic beauty, cooperative people and luxurious hotels and cottages. Ivry-sur-Seine is one of the favorite holiday destinations for most of the vacation lovers.

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