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France, officially the French Republic, is a country whose metropolitan territory is located in Western Europe and comprises various overseas islands and territories which are located in other regions. Metropolitan France extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and the North Sea, and from the Rhine to the Atlantic Ocean.

Grenoble Arpitan Grasanobol is a city and commune in south-east France. It is situated at the foot of the Alps, at the confluence of the Drac in the Isere River. Grenoble is the prefecture, capital of the department of Isere. The population of the city was estimated at 153,317 inhabitants as per the 1999 census. The population of the whole metropolitan area at the 1999 census was 514,559 inhabitants. It is surrounded by mountains to the north the Chartreuse, to the west the Vercors, and to the east the Belledonne range. It is often visited by the Tour de France and is known as the capital of the Alps.
Grenoble was known under different names after the collapse of the Roman Empire. It was a part of the first Burgundian kingdom, till it was taken by Clotaire I, king of the Franks and a son of Clovis. It increasingly passed in the possession of the Carolingian kings, then the second Burgundian kingdom of Arles. It finally became a possession of the counts of Vienne, whose title, Dauphin, gave the region its traditional name, Dauphine. Grenoble was the capital of the Dauphine, a province of France from 1349, when the last Dauphin of Vienne sold the region to France. It was on the condition that the heir to the French crown uses the title of Dauphin.
Grenoble is also known as the town of best geographical environment and has traced its origins back to prehistoric times. Today, one can also learn about its history, from its earliest times and can also enjoy its natural beauty concealed by the beautiful landscapes.

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