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Paris Private School’s Recognise the Value of Early Etiquette Education

Revival of the belief that it is never too early to teach children the fundamentals of good behaviour is apparent at certain private schools.

(PRWEB) February 2, 2005 -- Marymount School is the first private school in the Paris region to recognize the value of encouraging good manners early on, and is doing so through their after-school program. Just a few months after the initial offering of public etiquette courses, parents encouraged their children’s private schools to make the courses available on-site. The courses are led by Minding Manners, Paris’ only etiquette consultancy specializing in youth etiquette. Minding Manners offers programs for children, teens and young adults based on reinforcing valuable social, life, communication and leadership skills. The headquarters is located at 91, rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré in Paris 8th. Programs are offered throughout Paris, the Hauts-de-Seine and the Yvelines.

The way was led with the offering of a 90-minute seminar on “Holiday Etiquette/Courtesies That Count” for their 6th, 7th and 8th graders (11 - 13 years old). As this customized program was presented just before the end of the year holidays, the focus was on appreciation and table manners. The children were enthusiastic, full of questions and eager to share their new found knowledge with their friends and family. “Many of our students come from privileged backgrounds such as ambassadorial, diplomatic and other high ranking civilian families; therefore they are often exposed to elegant functions early on. As such, their parents also recognize the value of strong social skills”, explains Sister Anne Marie Hill, Marymount Headmistress.

“Many of our parents were eager to sign their children up for the off-site after-school program offered in Neuilly-sur-seine, yet the logistics of organizing transportation for the children was an issue. To facilitate the matter, we are now offering the programs on-site for children ages 5 - 7 this winter term, and for children ages 8 - 12 in the fall. Parents of students who have already participated in the off-site programs have reported back with high ratings”, confides Ms. Claudia Boswell, Director of Marymount After-School Activities. The aim of the programs is to build the life skills and confidence that generally accompany good manners. The Etiquette and Dining programs cover topics such as proper introductions, table manners, telephone etiquette, etiquette in public places, public speaking, self-respect, respect for others, the art of conversation and how to write a proper thank you note. Each session lasts 90-minutes and is presented in English.

The American School of Paris is looking to potentially follow the lead by offering the Etiquette and Character Education segment of the program after school through their Extension Office. “We appreciate the fact that this program emphasizes everyday etiquette based on self-respect and respect for others, thereby offering parents the aide of an outside voice, reinforcing their at-home efforts”, says Ms. Sandra Cabouat, After-school Coordinator for the Extension Program at the American School of Paris.

Likewise, Sinclair House School may provide a special segment to their 4 - 6 year old students. “Good manners go hand in hand with the Montessori method, which is given great emphasis at our preschool”, declares Bénédicte Vaissage, Sinclair House School Director.

"Manners and good character are the hard assets on the road to success that will determine the quality of a child’s relationships for a lifetime", said Tamiko Zablith, who is the Founder and Director of Minding Manners. She adds that the graduates will be polished and prepared to meet life’s social and ethical challenges with grace and integrity as they will have acquired skills that will endure throughout their scholastic, professional and personal lives. Although the programs are currently attended by students from the upper-middle to upper class, Tamiko Zablith remains firm in her affirmation that good manners transcend social class, economic status, academic achievement, race and gender and that all youth greatly benefit from such skills. Ms. Zablith is France’s only internationally licensed Youth Etiquette Consultant. She was trained and certified by the Protocol School of Washington, the leader in etiquette and protocol training for children and adults. She received her initial finishing instruction as an honored Xinos in the Beta Phi Chapter of the Phi Delta Kappa honors sorority for which she was presented as a Debutante in Beverly Hills, California in 1987. Additional instruction was obtained in London, England. Professionally, she is a member of the International Association of Protocol Consultants, the Association for Moral Education and the Boston University Center for the Advancement of Ethics and Character. Locally, Tamiko Zablith is the Vice President Leader Liaison for MESSAGE Mother Support Group.

Corporate Etiquette, International Protocol and Tea Etiquette programs are also available for adults.

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