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  Home > France News > Replicating Windows folders with Macintosh files on Windows NT / 2000 / XP servers? Idem service does

Replicating Windows folders with Macintosh files on Windows NT / 2000 / XP servers? Idem service does

With Idem File Synchronization , Soft Experience proposes an interesting tool to cross-platform integration for folder mirroring operations. In version 2.2 the configuration options bring the flexibility needed to setup data back-ups on user request or automated in service mode of Windows NT4, Windows 2000 or Windows XP. Idem can carry with NTFS permissions replication or Macintosh specific file structures and optionally renames Macintosh files according to Windows standards to make them easily accessible to PC users sharing those resources.

Villemoisson sur Orge, France - Idem service offers an attractive solution to simplify Windows and Macintosh cross-platform integration by automatically synchronizing Macintosh files and folders across network drives.

Replication service offered by Soft Experience can be customized by folder for copy/move to target destinations including also a sub-folder synchronization feature creating a target copy identical to source with its sub-directories. The software preserves "Data fork", "resource fork" et "Finder" information during mirroring tasks and allows you to automatically distribute the same master content folder to several networked places.

Options let you maintain file attributes, remove missing files from destination folders and preserve Macintosh filenames on NT/2000/XP servers, run it as a Windows service and parameter time interval for synchronization.

Idem backup solution supports characters forbidden in Windows but authorized in Macintosh file names (, /, <, >, etc.) and files named with special Unicode characters (Chinese and Korean names) like the other products: MacNames , Delenda , Rarissimo and Catalogue Files Metadata Miner software. Don't miss them in your professional toolkit. A great service for PC-MAC network managers. Single Idem license costs 93$US.

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